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These are the 8 real reasons why women cancel the first date

Woman cancelling a first dateHaving someone cancel their first date with you is a horrible experience because you’ve spent time looking forward to it and thought everything was going well between the two of you. Usually women will use excuses like they’re sick or an emergency came up but rarely is that the truth, they just tell you that because it’s easier than being honest. There are many reasons she’s changed her mind, from playing games with you to see how far she can take things to not feeling confident about herself and being too scared to face rejection. Knowing why women really cancel the first date with you can help stop you from taking it personally and start seeing it as a problem that she needs to deal with.

1) She can’t ignore her doubts

Sometimes women will agree to go on a first date because they’re not sure if you’re a good match for them and they need time to think about it. They keep going back and forth on what they want to do because there’s some attraction but it’s weak. They make lists of your good attributes and bad ones to try and help make their decision but they still have doubts. By the time the first date arrives she can no longer ignore her doubts and will cancel the date because she doesn’t want to waste her time going out with a man she isn’t sure about.

2) She’s playing games

Some women think playing games is fun because they like to see how far they can take things. She’s going to be enthusiastic about meeting you to try and make you believe her intentions are real but you’re going to notice she keeps putting off the first date because she wants to see how long you’re willing to talk to her before getting bored. She enjoys building up the anticipation and hearing how much you want to meet her because it boosts her ego and helps her kill time. he’s going to be playing games right until the end and then tell you she’s not going to bother showing up and you won’t know why she’s suddenly lost interest.

3) She never intended to go on the first date

It can be awkward telling someone you don’t like them enough to go on a first date with them so some women will pretend they’re interested in going out with you. She knows the first date isn’t going to happen but is waiting for a good time to tell you and is trying to figure out a kind way of letting you down. She wants to cancel over email or text so it’s easier to do and she wants to come up with a believable excuse because she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. It isn’t your fault, she just doesn’t feel an attraction to you and can’t say it to your face.

4) She’s cheating with you

Cheating is something that both sexes do even though you may think the woman you’re talking to is single and ready to start dating you. She’s going to be nervous about meeting you in person so will put off the first date for as long as possible because she needs to make sure it happens at a time and place when she knows her partner is busy and won’t wonder where she is. Being in a relationship means her schedule is unpredictable and she’s going to suddenly cancel the first date when her partner’s plans change and she can’t get away to see you. She may try to reschedule or will decide that cheating is too difficult to do right now and will stick to flirting online.

5) The excitement wore off

Getting asked out is exciting and it’s possible that she got carried away by it. She may have been single for awhile or hasn’t been feeling sexy lately and is flattered that you’re interested in her. She agrees to go on a first date without thinking it through because she’s caught up in the excitement but once it fades she starts thinking about you. She realizes that she doesn’t actually want to go out with you and has made a mistake by leading you on and has to stop things before it goes too far. She cancels the first date and has to remember not to let her feelings of excitement cloud her judgement.

6) Her confidence is low

suffering low self esteem
Suffering from low self-esteem is something that everyone goes through from time to time and this can be a cause for cancelling a first date. The woman you asked out may like you a lot and really does want to go out with you but her confidence is low which gives her doubts. She doesn’t know why you’d want to date her and thinks she’s going to ruin the date by saying or doing the wrong thing or by not living up to your expectations. She decides it’s better to not go on the date at all then risk having you reject her once you get to know her better.

7) She struggles with anxiety

Anxiety is an issue that a lot of people deal with and it can be triggered or made worse by new experiences, like going on a first date. If she has anxiety then she may want to go out with you and think she can deal with her anxiety long enough to make it through a date with you but her nervousness grows as it gets closer. She starts thinking about all the things that can go wrong or what she’s unsure of, like getting to know someone new and being vulnerable around them to going to a new restaurant or part of town she’s not familiar with. It’s all too much for her right now and she cancels the first date because she’s not currently ready for that experience.

8) She wants you to try again

When women are laying games they don’t always do it with the intention of the flirting going nowhere, some women want you to make an effort to win her interest. She may be doing this with you when she seems attracted to you but ends up cancelling the first date at the last minute. She wants you to try again and is waiting for you to reply back asking her to go out on another night. If you do this and sound sincere then she’s going to set up another date and follow through with it this time because you’ve shown her that you like her so much that you didn’t give up at the first hurdle.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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