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8 Reasons why you should date a nerdy guy

Rules for dating a Nerd

dating nerd guyDating a nerdy guy doesn’t sound like something a lot of women want to do but it can greatly improve your dating life. They’re more than what you expect from first appearances and if you give them a chance you realize being with them is one of the best decisions you can make. They’re not like jocks who like to play games or macho men who hide their feelings. They embrace who they are and are upfront with their intelligence and sensitive nature. Dating a guy like this feels nice and you can have experiences with them that you may not have with someone who isn’t a nerdy guy.

1) They’re intelligent

A nerdy guy is smart and is always willing to learn something new. They’re inquisitive and when something grabs their interest they do their best to find out as much about it as they can. When you don’t understand something or need help fixing something they’ll be there to help you. They either know the information you need or they’re willing to find it because they know how to quickly and effectively look for it. They offer this helpfulness without showing off because they’re not trying to impress you, they’re just doing what comes naturally as a nerdy guy. They don’t mind sharing their knowledge and being around them can make you intelligent if you’re willing to ask questions or listen to them.

2) They don’t play games

nerds never play games
Playing games is one of the most frustrating things about dating someone new but you can avoid this by getting together with a nerdy guy. He’s not going to do this because he knows it’s a waste of time and doesn’t help build a relationship. They asked you out for a reason and aren’t going to do anything that will ruin their chance of being with you. They take things seriously and are honest about their feelings for you so you know they’re genuine and can trust them. This is the type of boyfriend you want and knowing they don’t play games make it easier to jump into a relationship with them because you know they’re reliable.

3) They know what’s important

He has an idea of what he wants in life, the kind of relationship he wants to be in and how he can make it happen. He takes the time to get to know you better and finds out what you have in common because he knows a successful relationship needs a solid foundation. He finds out what your values and goals are while also sharing his to grow the bond between the two of you. You know he’s focused on you and is making a genuine effort to get closer to you.

4) You can have interesting conversations

You can have many interesting conversations with an intelligent guy because he’s knowledgeable about a variety of issues. He’s passionate about learning and can’t wait to talk to you about these things. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know as much as he does because he’s happy to carry most of the conversation. He’s a nerdy guy and gets caught up in the conversation when he’s telling you about the latest science breakthrough or the newest sci-fi movie. You may be surprised by how much he knows and can make you see things in a new way.

5) It’s easier to resolve a fight

All couples fight now and again but how these fights happen vary based on personality types. Fighting with a nerdy guy doesn’t happen very often because he sees a problem coming and does his best to fix it before it gets bad. If he isn’t able to do that and a fight does happen it won’t last long. He’s sensitive and wants to resolves it quickly so he stops before things go too far. He will take a break so both of you can calm down and will analyze the situation to find out what the problem is and find a solution that works for each of you. It’s a lot easier and healthier to deal with fights when the focus is on fixing the problem instead of yelling and blaming the other person.

6) They’re sensitivev

Dating a sensitive guy can be a nice change of pace if you’re used to guys who think they have to act a certain way to convey masculinity. It’s difficult mentally and emotionally to date a guy who’s aggressive or who doesn’t share his feelings. When you’re with a nerdy guy you’re with someone who finds it hard to hide their feelings and who find it easier to open up to you. They’re in tune with themselves and spend time observing how they think and feel because they’re curious about how they operate. You can have honest conversations with him, share personal stories and can share tender moments without worrying about him getting annoyed about all of the emotions you’re making them feel.

7) You can be nerdy too

Some women hide their nerdy interests because they don’t think it’s feminine or they worry that guys won’t be interested in them. That’s why it’s great to date a nerdy guy; you can be true to yourself and know that they’ll be okay with it. They’ll encourage your nerdy interests and it can be something the two of you share. Don’t hide the silly movies or shows you like to watch and be comfortable wearing t-shirts or hoodies with your favourite character on it. They understand how much these mean to you and they appreciate you feeling free enough around them to be yourself.

8) They’re loyal

Loyalty is a personality trait you can expect to find in a nerdy guy because there’s a good chance he’s been bullied or struggled with forming friendships in the past. He values the people in his life and is glad that he’s met someone like you. He’s not going to put this relationship at risk so he is loyal to you. He’s there for you and you can trust him not to play games or cheat on you. When you have a fight he won’t badmouth you to his friends and you can rely on him for moral support. You’re his equal and he makes sure you’re a big part of his life instead of just a casual fling. He puts the people he cares about first in life and takes their feelings seriously. You can trust him and know that if you’re loyal to him that he’ll be the same way for you.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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