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10 Tips on how to avoid fighting the couple you are quarantined with

Fighting wit your couple during quarantineDuring an epidemic there’s a strong possibility of being forced into quarantine and you don’t always go through something like this alone. Sometimes you’re going to be with multiple people who all have very different personalities and that can be difficult to deal with. If you’re in quarantine with other couples there’s a good chance of you fighting with them because everyone’s frustrated and scared so emotions will overflow. You want to avoid fighting as much as possible while in quarantine because you don’t want to make a bad situation even worse so be mindful of your behaviour and know how to interact in a healthy way.

1) Rarely discuss the epidemic

The epidemic is going to be dominating your thought’s as well as the other couple’s so you need to be careful about how often you discuss it. You have to find the right balance because if you discuss it too much it will create a depressing mood and take a toll on everyone’s mental health but if you don’t talk about it at all you’ll bottle up your feelings and that’s also going to affect your mental health. You should practice good communication skills by only talking about the epidemic in small bursts so that you can vent how you feel without going overboard.

2) Take the quarantine seriously

There’s going to be a lot of fighting during quarantine if one of you isn’t taking things seriously because that puts everyone at risk and makes being in isolation useless. You need to follow the orders you’ve been given by the government to show the couple you’re with that you understand the seriousness of the situation. If someone else is thinking about breaking the rules or has attempted it you need to calmly but strongly ask them not to do it again and explain why they need to listen to you.

3) Overlook their flaws

Being stuck with other people during a quarantine will make you more aware of their flaws and this is happening at a time when your patience is already thin. When someone is doing something that annoys you, you should take a deep breath and try to ignore and you can leave the room if it really bothers you. It’s not worth the drama of confronting them about it and potentially starting a fight if it’s not a big deal.

4) Spend time together

You can have a board game night where each of you choose to a game to play or have a movie night and watch a comedy to lighten the mood while eating a bunch of treats. These activities only take a couple of hours so you won’t get sick of each other and it gives you something fun to look forward to.

5) Be mindful of noise and distractions

You need to remember that you’re living with others while in quarantine and they don’t want to listen to you playing loud music, watching TV with the volume on high or banging cupboard doors when making meals. Pay attention to how disruptive your everyday behaviour is and make adjustments if necessary so that you don’t annoy your roommates. You may not realize you’re doing something rude at first but you will notice that you’re not as quiet as you think you are when you start being mindful of how you act.

6) Do your share of the household chores

Sharing the chores during pandemicHousehold chores still need to be done during an epidemic and it’s important that everyone does their share of them. Make an effort to clean up after yourself and do the chores that you normally do instead of using the quarantine as an excuse to be lazy. Your roommates will appreciate this and you’re setting a good example for them to follow. If one of them isn’t doing their share of the chores you need to practice good communication and talk to them about it in a friendly but serious way.

7) Give each other space

It’s important to give each other space during this stressful time so that nerves don’t get frayed and you end up fighting over something silly. Make sure you spend time by yourself in a quiet setting by meditating or relaxing in the backyard and also do things you enjoy like hobbies, playing online games or Skyping with family and friends. If the other couple wants to hang out with you it’s okay to tell them that you need some alone time and don’t worry about hurting their feelings because the need for personal space is something that everyone understands.

8) Be respectful of personal boundaries

Ignoring personal boundaries is a quick way to start a fight so be respectful of this. There are obvious boundaries like not asking personal questions or going into their room without permission but people also have unique boundaries based on their personality. Listen to what the other couple says and pay attention to how they act because this gives you a good idea of what bothers them. You also need to make sure they respect your boundaries and use good communication to let them know when they do something that you think is inappropriate.

9) Avoid talking about sensitive subjects

After being in quarantine for awhile you’re going to get bored and run out of interesting things to talk about. This is not the right time and place to bring up sensitive subjects like religion and politics so practice good communication by actively watching what you say. Only talk about neutral topics like your favourite TV show or what you’re going to do when the epidemic ends and try to discreetly change the subject if someone else brings up a topic that you know will start an argument.

10) Focus on what’s important

While in quarantine you need to stay in a positive mindset and one way to do this is by focusing on what’s important which is staying healthy and knowing that eventually life will go back to normal. Being stuck in a small space with other people is going to wear you down and your bad mood can cause you to snap and start a fight so don’t let it get to you. When it feels like.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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