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good communication

having a secret relationship

How to have a secret relationship with someone: 8 Successful ways

You don’t want to get caught when you’re having a secret relationship because that can cause a lot of problems for both of you, especially if the two of you are already with other people. This can lead to a break up or divorce which will complicate your life for the long term. You need […]

couple who want to reconnect

10 Conversation starters to reconnect as a couple

You need to make an effort to keep your relationship strong because if you don’t the two of you will drift apart and it’s difficult to come back together. If you feel like things need to improve between you and your partner you can try practicing good communication. This lets you have meaningful conversations and […]

Being manipulated

10 signs of emotional manipulation that most people miss & How to fix it

People want to think the best of their partner and when they suspect they’re being manipulated by them it’s something they ignore and pretend they’re just over-reacting. This can only go on for so long because your partner is going to be more confident about their ability to control you and the signs are going […]

Fighting wit your couple during pandemic

10 Tips on how to avoid fighting the couple you are quarantined with

During an epidemic there’s a strong possibility of being forced into quarantine and you don’t always go through something like this alone. Sometimes you’re going to be with multiple people who all have very different personalities and that can be difficult to deal with. If you’re in quarantine with other couples there’s a good chance […]

Couple killing each other

8 tips for traveling as a Couple Without Killing Each Other

Traveling as a couple can put a lot of stress on your relationship and cause fighting because it involves working together, using good communication skills and an ability to compromise. If you get caught up in fighting then you won’t have new experiences, like visiting attractions, becoming closer to your partner or re-igniting your sex […] Protection Status