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What to do when you get “Mixed Signals” from a woman? 9 Ways to deal with it

Getting mixed signals from women Mixed signals are frustrating because you don’t know if the woman you’re attracted to feels the same way and you’re stuck in limbo since you don’t how you’re supposed to act around her. Not knowing if you should take things further and ask her out on a date or if she just wants to be friends is something you should only tolerate for a small amount of time because she may just need to figure out how she feels. You don’t want it to go on too long though because it’s stopping you from dating somebody else. You need to deal with this situation in a way that makes it clear exactly where you stand with her and there’s numerous ways you can do this.

1) Get another perspective

Getting another perspective can help you see things more clearly or realize you’re mistaken about how she’s acting. Talk to one of your friends and be honest about how you treat her and how she acts around you so they can get a good idea of what’s going on. Listen to what they have to say and see how similar your opinions are. Use your new information to decide if she’s worth dating or if it’s better to walk away.

2) Ignore the mixed signals

Ignoring the mixed signals can be a good way to save yourself a lot of stress because you’re not letting it affect your life. Your indifference is going to be noticed by her, whether she’s doing it on purpose or by accident. She’s going to wonder why you’re being distant with her and is going to ask if something’s bothering you. This is when you can take the opportunity to tell her that you feel like you don’t know where things stand between the two of you and that she needs to tell you what’s going on because you’re tired of dealing with her mixed signals.

3) Talk to them about it

Being upfront and talking to her about sending mixed signals is a scary thing to do because it’s a tough conversation to start and you don’t want to make the situation worse. It’s important to do this though because it stops you from wasting time pursuing a woman who doesn’t want a relationship with you. Wait until she gives you one of her mixed signals and confront her about it when it happens. Ask her what she meant by it, be specific about why you consider it confusing and tell her that this is something she does a lot so she knows she needs to find a better way of communicating with you.

4) See how she acts around other people

How she acts around your friends
It’s possible that she isn’t intentionally sending mixed signals and she’s just the type of person who can convey their thoughts or feelings clearly. To find out if it’s a personality trait you can watch how she acts around other people and if she does the same thing to them. If she does then you need to ask if she wants to date you and if so then decide whether it’s a behaviour you can put up with. If this is something she only does with you then she’s playing games with you and you don’t want to be in a relationship with someone like that.

5) Think about how you act around her

She may be sending mixed signals because she’s trying to figure out how you feel about her because you’re the one who is causing the confusion. Be honest about how you act around her or talk to her to see if it’s possible you’re the one who’s sending mixed signals about dating potential. If you think you might be the cause of some of the issues you can try changing your behaviour and being more open about your attraction for her to see if it makes a difference.

6) Mention joining a dating site

If she’s sending mixed signals then you can try seeing what happens when you mention joining a dating site like Victoria Milan because she’s either going to get upset or she’s going to be indifferent. When she’s after a relationship with you then this is going to upset her and make her stop being so confusing about her interest in you. If she just sees you in a platonic way then she’s not going to care about you joining a date site and will tell you that’s it a good idea. This is a quick way to deal with the situation because you can immediately see what her reaction is.

7) Talk about wanting to be in a relationship

Dropping hints about wanting to be in a relationship can help you get an idea for what she really wants. You can test the waters by casually mention you’re tired of being single and see if she says she feels the same way. You can also be more direct and in a light-hearted tone tell her that you wouldn’t mind taking her out on a date. If she says she’s not interested in dating you can pretend it was just a suggestion by saying you hope you find someone like her then and if she does want to go out then you know that it’s time to ask her out.

8) Make it clear what your feelings are

She may be sending mixed signals because she’s not sure how you feel about her and is trying to figure it out by seeing how you respond to different behaviours. You need to make it clear what your feelings are by flirting and saying you think you’d be a great couple. If she’s still sending mixed signals despite knowing you’re interested in dating her then she’s sending mixed signals on purpose to either play hard to get or waste your time.

9) Don’t always be free for them

One way of making her think about her behaviour and possibly change it is by changing how you treat her. When she’s being confusing and it’s driving you crazy you should start spending less time with her. Take your time replying to her messages and when she wants to hang out tell her that you have other plans. By showing her that you don’t have time for her she’s going to wonder what she did wrong and try to be nicer so you want to be around her more often. It’ll also make her realize that she does want to date you and be more upfront about wanting that.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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