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Does she want casual sex or a long term relationship?

casual sex or a long term relationshipp Sometimes it can be difficult to tell what another person wants from you and if you guess wrong then you could end up making a mistake. You could hurt their feelings when the relationship comes to an end or you might not know how to get out of the relationship. It’s hard to ask for relationship advice when you’re already in trouble so figure out beforehand whether she wants casual sex or something more serious.

The way she talks to you is a good way to see if she sees you as someone to have a hook up with or if you’re someone to have a long term relationship with. Women who are after sporadic sex won’t share too many personal details with you and tend to use less eye contact. You’ll get the feeling that she isn’t really listening to you and that she doesn’t really care what you say. If she genuinely cares for you then she’ll lean close when you talk and will ask you about how your day was. She’ll also mention goals she has and things she wants to do in the future because she wants you to know what she wants in life. This is because she’s mentally trying to figure out if she sees you doing these things with her.

It’s a good idea to pay attention to the way she acts around you because if she’ll act completely different depending on what she wants. If she sees you as someone she wants to use for sporadic sex then she won’t be too affectionate with you because she wants to keep things on a sexual level. Affectionate gestures like hand holding and linking arms when walking side by side while is something she won’t do and instead she’ll just touch you when it’s in the bedroom. If she runs into someone she knows when she’s with you then she might not introduce you. If she wants a long term relationship then she’ll make it clear that she’s dating you when she talks to people. When you’re together she’ll sit close to you so that your bodies touch and will get annoyed if she notices you checking out other women. She’ll want a sense of commitment from you and will make sure that you’re the only man she’s focused on.

The types of activities she does with you will also indicate how she feels about you. Women who are looking for sporadic sex will usually stick to things like going for drinks then going to your place for sex. She stays focused on what she wants and won’t want to spend too much time with you. If she’s after something more serious then she will want to get to know you better and to see what type of person you are. She’ll go to social activities with you like the movies or she’ll try to get you involved in a hobby of hers like hiking or cycling. She’ll also invite you to things like parties where she can introduce you to her friends. She’ll make opportunities to show you what life with her is like.

If they want something more than she’ll try to make you a part of her life by telling you what she enjoys doing and what her plans for the future are. Women associate emotional closeness to serious relationships so if you have a feeling that she’s trying to form a connection with you then it’s more than just sporadic sex to her.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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