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9 Reasons why an Aussie woman will love you, but hide it from you

She hides her feelingsOne of the scariest parts of a relationship is when things start getting serious and you know you’ve fallen in love. It’s scary making the first move and you don’t want to confess your feelings but get rejected if your partner doesn’t feel the same way which is why women will hide how they really feel until they’re confident about how things will go. Understanding why the Aussie woman who loves you but isn’t open about it can help things go more smoothly in your relationship.

1) She’s scared to admit her feelings

It can be scary realizing you’re in love because it’s a big step in a relationship and once you get to that point you’re putting yourself in a vulnerable position. She’s hiding how she feels because it’s easier to do that than to be upfront about how much she really loves you and be confronted with a new dimension in the relationship. She may not have expected to fall in love and is scared that she’s let this happen so quickly without her realizing it. It’s also scary because she doesn’t know how you’ll react to her being upfront about her emotions since men tend to be uncomfortable when too much affection is shown.

2) She’s not over her last break up

Even if she’s madly in love with you she may not be over her last break up and needs more time to deal with the past before moving forward with you. She’s not still in love with her ex, she just hasn’t gotten over having her heart broken and is scared of it happening again. Being in love again is bringing up old emotions and it’s difficult for her to move on so she’s hiding how she feels until she’s dealt with this rush of emotions. When she’s ready to admit to herself that she’s in another serious relationship she’s going to make more of an effort to let you know how she feels.

3) She wants you to admit your love first

If you haven’t told her that you love her yet then she may be hiding how she feels because she’s waiting for you to make the first move. She doesn’t want you to think she’s rushing into the relationship and forcing you to take things to a more serious level so she’s letting you set the pace. Once you tell her you love her she’s going to be more open and honest about how much she loves you because she knows the feeling is mutual and you’re not going to rebuff her affections.

4) She’s waiting for the right moment

Saying “I love you.” for the first time is a special moment in a relationship and women want it to be perfect and live up to their fantasies. She’s keeping her feelings to herself because she’s waiting for the right moment to tell you she loves you and doesn’t want to rush it just because she feels pressured into saying it. You can either wait for this moment to come naturally or you can help create the right moment by making her a candle lit dinner and making the first move by saying it first. This takes the pressure off of her and she’s going to be relieved that you were thoughtful enough to do this for her.

5) She wants to know you love her too

You love her tooIf she’s in love with you she’s going to hide it until she knows you love her too and that you actually mean it and not just saying it because you think it’s what she wants to hear. She’s looking for signs in the relationship and paying attention to what you say and how you act because she needs assurances before she commits to you. She’s making a mental note of how affection you are with her, if you spend quality time together, if you listen when she talks to you, if you remember the little things she cares about and other signs of love.

6) She’s scared of ruining the relationship

If the Aussie woman you love is hiding how she feels it may be because she doesn’t want to ruin things. She’s happy with the way things are and thinks that if she does something new that it will change things and it may not be in a good way. She’s enjoying the moment and needs more time before she’s ready to take things to the next level.

7) She needs time to deal with her emotions

Being in love causes you to feel a lot of emotions, including fear, excitement and apprehension. It’s overwhelming at first when you realize how deep your emotions go and some people want to take a mental break to help deal with this. She’s trying to sort out her emotions so she can feel calmer and more confident about being in a serious relationship with you. Once she feels more stable she’s going to be willing to open up about her feelings for you.

8) She wants to share her feelings with friends first

It’s exciting being in a relationship and it’s easy to be blinded by love which is why women like to talk about it with their girlfriends. Getting their friends’ opinions can help them stay grounded so if your girlfriend isn’t sure if it’s true love or if she’s just getting carried away by lust she’s going to want to share her feelings with them first. They’re going to help her have a clear perspective on how she feels and this gives her more confidence to express herself.

9) She’s shy and doesn’t know how to express herself

Some people have trouble expressing themselves or they get shy and nervous when they have to say something personal so they keep their emotions to themselves. If your girlfriend is like this then she doesn’t want to hide her feelings of love from you but she can’t help it. You’ll notice her love in other ways by paying attention to how she acts around you because she wants you to know how she feels. She’s going to be affectionate with you and show her love through actions instead of verbally.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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