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The best 7 tips for picking up an aussie girl at a party

Aussie women at a party

7 ways aussie girls show they´re into you with body language

When you’re at a party and a hot Aussie girl catches your eye you want to make all the right moves so she ends up going home with you.

1) Make conversation

You need to get her interested in you but that won’t happen if you’re too shy to talk to her. When she’s alone go up to her and introduce yourself. Act like you’re in a good mood and ask her casual questions so you can get to know her better and tell her a bit about yourself. You want to keep the conversation light while making it obvious you’re trying to make a connection with her.

2) Mingle

You probably know other people at the party so don’t spend all your time with her because it’ll make you look like a desperate loner. Don’t spend more than 15 minutes talking to her before going to mingle because this is enough time to get things going between the two of you. Later on you can always bump into her again and continue talking to her.

3) Don’t drink too much

No one wants to get hit on by the drunk guy so limit your alcohol intake and avoid making a fool of yourself. Have a beer or two to show that you can relax but sip on them instead of knocking them back. This will show her that you’re a responsible and mature man who knows how to behave in social settings. This will also stop you from saying or doing anything too embarrassing because you’ll be more aware of your behavior.

4) Use body language and eye contact

When you’re talking to her don’t forget to use body language and eye contact to increase the attraction between the two of you. Lean in close when talking to her and smile to come across as friendly. You can create a feeling of intimacy by touching her arm or by casually brushing against her. Eye contact will also strengthen the connection because it shows her that you’re focused on her.

5) Flirt with her

The easiest way to flirt with a girl is to give her a compliment that makes her feel good about herself. Girls always get compliments on how they look when guys hit on them so try something different. After talking for a while tell her that she’s the most interesting person you’ve met at the party and that you’d like to get to know her better.

6) Find something in common

You want her to feel like she can have fun with you and that you’re someone she can get along with so find something you have in common. It could be a favorite TV show, hobby or sport. Whatever it is be enthusiastic about it and use that as a way to suggest an idea for a date, such as going to a movie with an actor that both of you like or getting together on the weekend to do your hobby.

7) Suggest hanging out later

She’ll want to spend time with her friends at the party too so when it’s obvious she wants to mingle suggest hanging out later, either after the party or a few days later. Tell her you’d love to see her again and mention a movie theatre or diner nearby so it’ll be easy for her to find. If she’s interested exchange contact information and decide on when to meet.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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