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8 Obvious signs a woman is flirting with you

She is flirting you You want to make sure a woman is flirting with you and not just being friendly before you ask her out on a real date so you need to look for a couple of signs that will help you decide how she feels about you.

1) Checking you out

If she’s trying to seduce you then she’s not just going to be making eye contact with you, she’s going to be checking you out from top to bottom. Watch and see what she does when you’re not talking to her. Does she run her eyes over her body and smile? If so, then she likes what she sees and is hoping you notice her interest in you.

2) Smiling

Smiling is how people show that they’re happy so if she’s always smiling around you and laughing at your jokes then it means she likes you. Being with you is a pleasurable experience and laughing is her way of expressing that feeling. It also means that she wants to be with you more often because she wants more of it.

3) She breaks the ice

Women are used to men coming up to them and starting a conversation so they’ll usually wait for that to happen but if she likes you then she’ll make the first move. She’ll start talking but is hoping that you’ll take the lead with taking things further. This also lets her casually end the conversation if things don’t work out.

4) Little touches

When she’s talking to you pay attention to how close she gets and whether or not she gives you little touches. Leaning in close and resting her hand on your arm is her way of creating a feeling of intimacy and showing you that she wants to be near you.

5) Nervous habits

It can be nerve wracking trying to flirt with someone and to try to keep calm people will use nervous habits to ease the pressure they’re feeling. Watch her body language and see if she licks her lips or twirl her hair because this means she’s excited and trying not to show it while also drawing attention to her sexier features.

6) Tries to see you again

She won’t tell you that she wants to go out on a date because she wants you to ask her out. Instead she’ll drop hints about when and where you can see her again. She’ll say something like she’ll be at a certain bar next Saturday night or that she wants to go to the movies tomorrow but it sucks going alone. She’s trying to get you thinking about spending time with her.

7) Makes sexy comments or jokes

A woman doesn’t make sexy jokes or comments to every guy she meets but she will do them for a guy she likes because she’s trying to open things up between the two of you. She’ll casually joke about going home with you or seeing if you’re as good in bed as you are at talking. These types of comments are an obvious sign of flirting.

8) Mentions being single

If a woman mentions that she’s single then it could mean that she’s letting you know she’s available. Ask her if she’s enjoying the single life and if she implies that she wants to spend time with someone then it’s clear that she wants to get to know you better. Tell her that you’re single too then suggest going out somewhere to get things going.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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