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6 Ways to know it’s definitely time to break up with your partner

Time to Break Up No one wants to go through a break up but it happens to everyone no matter how hard they try to fix things. Take a look at the way your relationship is with your partner and decide if you’re exhibiting any of the signs that point to trouble between the two of you.

1) You fight often

All relationships have ups and downs but fighting all the time is a big sign that you should break-up with your partner. Couples that want to make their relationship work will be able to sort out problems and find solutions that both people will be happy with. If you can’t get along with your partner and disagree on the majority of things then it’s unlikely that things will get better over time. Instead fighting will become the normal way of dealing with things and the two of you will end up being miserable.

2) You avoid being around them

The whole point of being in a relationship is to spend your life with someone that you love and that you can build a future with. If you find yourself trying to avoid spending time with your partner by working more hours or hanging out with friends then you need to think about why that is and if it will change in the future. A temporary break from each other is okay but if it happens to often then you’ll lose your closeness with them and it’s unlikely you’ll get it back.

3) You think about dating other people

Everyone wants to fall in love and live happily ever after but very few relationships last a lifetime. It’s normal to fantasize about other people but not if you do it all the time or if you start to seriously think about having an affair. Think about what is missing from your relationship and whether or not it’s something that can be fixed. If you think things will be better with someone else then stop trying to make the relationship work.

4) You no longer make an effort

People who are still in love will make an effort to keep their partner happy and interested in them. The more you fall out of love with your partner the less you care about the little things. You might show up late for dinner, change plans at the last minute or insist on watch a movie that you like instead of something you’d both enjoy. If you don’t care anymore than it’s time to find someone who will make you want to be the best you can be.

5) Your sex life is dead

Sex is part of a healthy relationship and even though sex drives tend to decrease over time in a relationship there should still be some intimacy. If the sexual attraction to your partner is gone then you need to decide if the relationship is strong enough to overlook it until things change.

6) You feel nothing for them

When you love someone you feel something when you see them; some feel love, some feel happy while others feel safe or at ease. The one thing these emotions have in common is that they’re positive and it makes you want to spend time with them. If you look at your partner and feel nothing then try to remember how you used to feel about them and imagine how you’ll feel about them in the future. If it’s difficult to do and you can bring up any good emotions then they’re not right for you.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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