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Tips for men: 7 Subtle signs you may be dating a sociopath

Dating a Sociopath It can be difficult to know if you’re dating a psychopath and there’s no definitive sociopath test that you can use unless you can convince them to see a professional. There are subtle signs you can look for which can help you decide whether or not your partner is showing unusual behaviour.

1) They expect special treatment

They think that they’re entitled to special treatment because they’re better and smarter than everyone else. They get upset when people don’t recognize their superiority and will back stab people who go against them. They’ll also be friendly with people who are in a more prestigious position as a way to get ahead at work.

2) They manipulate you mentally

A psychopath will manipulate you mentally as a way to make you feel dependent on them. They will question decisions that you make so you doubt yourself and will roll their eyes or not listen when you talk because they want you to feel like you’re not capable. Over time you’re going to think that everything you do is wrong and that there’s something wrong with you.

3) They manipulate you emotionally

They’ll manipulate emotionally to make you feel weak and so they can feel superior to you. They will tell you that you’re lucky to be with them so you don’t think about breaking up and if you try to talk to them about how they’re treating you they’ll make you feel guilty by pouting or crying.

4) Only their goals matter

They will be focused on their goals and nothing will stop them from achieving them. They expect you to help them but won’t show any interest in what you want. They do what they want and won’t involve you in their plans unless you can help them so you won’t always know what’s going on.

5) They’re controlling

They will control every part of your life and will find ways to make you rely on them and no one else. you’ll slowly lose contact with family and friends and won’t realize it until you’re in a committed relationship. Your partner will also make the decisions in the relationship and you won’t know how to change this.

6) They lie to get what they want

They lie to get what they want because they don’t feel bad about it and it is something that comes naturally to them. They see it as an easy way to get what they want and don’t see it as a bad thing. You won’t trust what they say but won’t admit it because you don’t want to cause a fight.

7) They think they’re always right

A sociopath believes they’re always right because they think that everyone else is inferior to them and not capable of being as smart as they are. They’re confident and will undermine anyone who disagrees with them. They will also try to get other people to agree with them by being nice and manipulating them.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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