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If an Aussie woman has these 11 habits, don’t marry her!

never marry Aussie woman with bad habits There are some women who are good girlfriend but they have bad habits that make it a bad idea to marry her. You don’t want to marry someone who likes to play matchmaker because she’ll have ideas of a perfect relationship and you don’t want an unattractive female who doesn’t know how to act well in public. There are a few other habits you need to look out for before you decide whether or not to get married otherwise you could make a bad decision that will be hard to fix.

1) She’s rushing you to marry her

Marriage is something you should never rush into because it’s a major commitment and one that you need to take seriously. If she’s putting pressure on you to marry her then you need to slow things down and take control. She’s doing this because she’s either gotten caught up by her love for you and is getting excited about her future with you or she’s desperate to settle down. She’s not thinking clearly and you need to be the one who decides when marriage is right for both of you.

2) She likes playing matchmaker

A woman who likes playing matchmaker enjoys setting up her friends on blind dates and seeing romance blossom. She gets a thrill out of happy relationships and has an idea of the perfect couple. There’s a fantasy she’s trying to create and she’ll extend that to her relationship with you. Her expectations will be unrealistic and you won’t be able to live up to them so there’s always going to be problems between the two of you.

3) She’s an unattractive female

An unattractive female isn’t necessarily that way because of her physical appearance, it can be because of the way she acts. Someone that’s unattractive in a non-appearance way will do things like be rude and interrupt people when they talk, nudge past people as they walk by them, roll their eyes when they disagree with something and other inappropriate behaviour. These people are annoying to be with and you don’t want to marry someone like this.

4) She’s a gold digger

Gold digger aussie woman
A gold digger is only with you for your money and will leave you when it’s gone so before you marry your girlfriend you need to pay attention to how she treats your finances. If she expects you to pay for everything and is always asking you to buy her stuff then it’s going to get worse once you marry her because that’s when officially what’s yours is hers and she’s going to feel even more entitled. If you like her then keep dating her but don’t marry her because it could leave you with financial problems later on.

5) She lies to you

Little lies are just as bad as big lies because she’s hiding something and you won’t know how serious it is, it might mean nothing to her but could be important to you. You will also need to worry about why she’s lying because it could be a habit that she does with everyone or she’s doing it because she doesn’t trust you. Marrying someone who has trust issues will be difficult for you because you’ll always be wondering what’s the truth and double guessing everything she says.

6) She has a history of cheating

You don’t want to marry someone who has a history of cheating because there’s a good chance she’ll eventually cheat on you. She has commitment issues and they’re not going to suddenly disappear just because you marry her. If you know about her cheating past then it’s going to be something you think about whenever she goes somewhere by herself or when she comes home late and you’ll be wondering if she’s cheating on you.

7) She’s judgemental

Being married to someone who’s judgemental is going to add stress to the relationship because they’re always going to find something to be negative about. It’ll get tiring listening to them complain and you’ll want to be with someone who’s more relaxed and easy going. she’s going to act like she’s always right and you’ll see a nasty side to her when she puts others down for not living up to her standards.

8) Nothing is ever good enough for her

Marrying a woman who feels like nothing is ever good enough is going to give you a lifetime of annoying difficulties. She’s going to pressure you to always be better, whether it’s making more money or living in a nicer neighbourhood, and you’ll going to constantly disappoint her which will be damaging to your self-esteem. You need to marry a woman who appreciates you and knows that life isn’t going to be perfect.

9) It’s all about her

It is all about her
An unattractive female can be someone who’s selfish and expects the world to revolve around her. She’s going to act like a princess and the marriage is going to be one-sided because it’s all about her and what she wants instead of it being a situation where both of you matter. You’re going to feel unloved and ignored and you’re going to have to make an effort to always make her happy otherwise she’s going to get upset and you’re going to fight.

10) She disrespects you

A marriage is about love and support so you don’t want to marry a woman who thinks it’s okay to disrespect you. She needs to treat you just as well as you treat her and you should never put up with behaviour that makes you feel inferior. If she does things like flirt with other guys in front of you, always puts down your thoughts or feelings and makes fun of you to her girlfriends then it shows she doesn’t love you and sees you as a joke. She’s never going to respect you and this isn’t going to be a healthy relationship so you need to make sure you never marry her.

11) She’s clingy

If she’s clingy it might seem cute at the beginning of the relationship because it makes you feel special and wanted but over time it’s going to feel smothering. Clingy behaviour like constantly texting you and expecting quick replies, always wanting to be with you and never giving you any personal space will make you realize that she’s needy and is using you to make herself feel better. Her interest isn’t in you as a person, it’s how you make her feel which is loved and safe. Her feelings for you aren’t that strong and you’re going to be spending the entire marriage feeling like you’re looking after her instead of building a life together.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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