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Guys reveal if they care if you say ‘Bye’ the morning after sex

Hookup SituationsHookup situations can be awkward when it comes to the morning after sex because you don’t always know whether or not you should say “Bye.”. Guys and girls feel differently about how to part ways, with guys taking a more laid back approach to it. The way you leave depends on if you met using hookup apps like AdultFriendFinder App and if there’s an established relationship because these scenarios involve different expectations.

You don’t need to say “Bye” after sex if it’s just a one night stand and you only briefly messaged each other on hookup apps lke RedHotPie because it’s obvious that this is all about sex. Men are fine with leaving it at that and don’t care about gestures that seem polite or romantic like waking him up the next day just to tell him you’re leaving. They expect you to leave and keeping things casual is why they use hookup apps like Victoria Milan App to find dates. They think you’re too clingy or reading more into the relationship when you do small gestures like that and will be less likely to hook up with you again. If it’s meant to be casual then you need to keep it casual.

Hookup situations where you’ve messaged each other a lot and feel a closeness to them or ones where this isn’t your first time with them are times when you should say “Bye” because it’s polite and leaves the date on a positive note. Guys like it when you make an effort because it shows them that you’re on the same page as they are emotionally. They’ve spent time getting to know you and saying “Bye” is a simple way to reinforce the bond between the two of you. He wants you to wake up next to him and ease him into being awake by snuggling with him and telling him you had a great time last night. Guys like this because it lets them be emotional while not being too obvious about it since you made the first move.

You can avoid the whole issue of saying ‘Bye” in the morning if you take care of it beforehand. The guys who prefer this approach are ones who are career or goal focused because they tend to not enjoy being woken up or bothered since they need their sleep. These guys want you to leave quietly and send them a simple text saying you had fun and hope to see them again. They get annoyed if you bother them in the morning because to them it’s unimportant and unnecessary. They want you to tell them at the beginning of the date that you’re going to be leaving early and that you’ll let them sleep because they see this as a thoughtful gesture.

When you’re using hookup apps like AdultMatchMaker App you want things to be fun from beginning to end so don’t overthink things. Guys aren’t as emotional as women and don’t feel as strongly about saying “Bye” after sex. You need to think about how close the relationship is and whether or not he’s the type of guy who’s more in touch with his emotional side. With these guys you make the effort to say “Bye” because it makes them feel good.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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