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9 Ideas to keep the conversation going after you match an attractive woman

Match an attractive woman
When you’re using hookup apps it’s hard to keep the conversation going because it’s hard to know what to say to a stranger and the spark between you fades before you can meet. You don’t want this to happen to you so whenever you match with attractive women you need to know how to keep the conversation going so they want to meet in person.

1) Always end with a question

A lot of conversations on hookup apps end because you don’t know what to say to keep them interested and things end abruptly. To stop this from happening you should always end your message with a question so the other person has something to respond to and talk about. You don’t want them to get bored so only have the question related to what you’re talking about if it’s a fairly new topic, if you’ve been talking about the same thing for awhile then have the question be completely different to take the conversation into a new direction. A question will make her feel compelled to answer so the conversation doesn’t end awkwardly so this is increasing your chances of things continuing between the two of you.

2) Listen and share

Listen and Share
The fastest way to end a conversation is to have it be one-sided so to keep things going you need to listen to what they’re saying but also do your part to stay engaged. If you pay attention and show that you genuinely care about what they have to say then they’ll want to talk to you. They’ll do their part to uphold their end of the conversation and you can follow their lead. You also need to be responsive and be willing to share things about yourself so they can get to know you and they can be the ones to ask you questions. By listening and sharing you’re making the conversation flow smoothly.

3) Find something in common

Find out what it is that made you two match by checking out their profile and see what you have in common. This will give you something to talk about and as you’re talking make mental notes of other things you have in common because you can talk about these things later on.

4) Ask questions about her

Ask questions
Attractive women get lots of guys messaging them on hookup apps and it’s usually all about sex but you can show her that you’re a great conversationalist by taking the time to get to know her. She’ll want to talk about herself because she wants you to know the real her so ask her about things she’ll care about like her hobbies, her job and things she mentions in her profile. Her passion for these things will make her want to keep talking and time will fly by which will make her feel like you’re someone she can relate to.

5) Talk about topics that are interesting

Conversations will end quickly if you don’t have anything interesting to talk about so have a few topics in mind when you first message her. When you start to feel like the conversation is lagging you can change the subject to grab her attention again. Your backup topics need to be interesting so choose things like new movies, tv shows or something you saw on the news, but avoid anything controversial. You could also talk about something funny that happened to you or an event from childhood, the important thing is that it keeps the conversation going a bit longer.

6) Talk about general things

If you want to keep the conversation going then you need to make sure you don’t say anything that will turn her off so keep things safe by not talking about general things that everyone can relate to and are comfortable with. Avoid sex and politics and ask her about her favourite foods, music, books or vacation spots because everyone has interest in at least one of those areas. If you have any pets you could talk about them and see if she’s an animal lover or you could talk about her plans for the weekend to get an idea of whether her plans include hooking up with you.

7) Have a laugh about using hookup apps

Laugh about hook up apps
Everyone who uses hookup apps will come across weird profiles or receive creepy messages so have a laugh about it. This will show her that you have a good sense of humour and you can let her know how happy you are to be talking to her by saying you’re glad to have found someone great like her. Don’t be too nasty about the other users you’ve met because you don’t want to seem mean, instead keep it light and act like you can’t believe some people actually post things like that online. Women like a man with a can have a laugh so help her see the funny side of using hookup apps.

8) Always reply straight away

When you’re messaging attractive women you need to make sure you always reply straight away because they get tons of messages and you don’t want another guy to grab their attention. You need to make sure the first message in her inbox is from you so don’t waste time trying to come up with the perfect response and instead answer with what comes naturally so it sounds more genuine. It’s also good to reply quickly because you’ll be talking more often and the relationship will move along faster so you’ll be able to meet sooner due to feeling like you know each other well.

9) Be willing to act silly and honest

A sense of humour will make a conversation go a long way because women want to talk to a guy they can have a good time with. When things start to slow down you can make her laugh by saying you know it’s cheesy but it might be fun to do a quiz, then ask her a bunch of silly questions. She can ask you some as well and you can tell her that if she’s having a good time now then wait until she meets you in person. After sharing a laugh be honest and tell her you haven’t laughed that much in a long time and you enjoyed letting loose with her.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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