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9 Reasons why Aussie women don’t like anal sex and how to change their mind

Having Anal SexWomen tend to be more closed-minded about taboo sex like anal sex and men are always trying to get them to be have a wider variety of interests. If your partner doesn’t like anal sex then it is possible to change her mind, you just need to help her understand that it can be a good experience.

1) They lack experience

If she’s never tried anal sex before then the issue might be that the lack of experience makes her feel nervous and she doesn’t want to try something different in case it ends up being more awkward than sexy. You can start off slowly to get her used to the idea of ass play by fingering her down there while giving her oral sex. This will get her used to being touched there and having something inside her. Once she’s gotten comfortable with it you can try two fingers or use toys to loosen her up and learn how to be relaxed when being entered. After awhile she might be ready to try anal sex.

2) They’re afraid of pain

Afraid of Pain
Anal sex hurts if it isn’t done properly and everyone knows this but those who haven’t tried it don’t realize that there is a way to do it pain free. If pain seems to be what scares her the most then you can tell her that you want it to be a pleasurable experience for both of you and that you’ll make sure it doesn’t hurt her. Show her that you won’t rush her and tell her how you’ll make it feel good for her. Explain that you’ll start out with mild ass play to loosen her up, tell her that she can decide how slow or fast to go, you’ll try different positions to see what’s comfortable for her and that you’ll use a lot of lube.

3) You pressure them too much

She’s more likely to say “No.” if you’re putting too much pressure on her because you’re stressing her out and making her feel like this is something she has to do in order to make you happy. Instead of asking her to do it again and again until she says “Yes.” you should bring it up once then give her time to think about it. This will give her time to talk to her girlfriends, watch some porn by herself to see what it’s like and to fantasize about what it would be like to experience that with you. This will make her more comfortable with it and she’ll be more likely to change her mind when you ask her at a later time.

4) They think it’s just for your pleasure

It’s rare for women to have an orgasm during anal sex because most of them need clit stimulation to achieve that. Men are going to enjoy it because it’s physically stimulating for them and women don’t see how it can be pleasurable for them too. They see anal sex as something that only benefits you which makes them feel like a sex object being used for your pleasure. You can change their mind by showing them how you can make it an enjoyable experience for both of you. Explain that you’ll spend lots of time on foreplay, will give her clit some attention and make sure she has an orgasm too.

5) They’re embarrassed

It’s embarrassing talking about or trying taboo sex because it’s something you’re not supposed to do and this might be why doesn’t like it. She’s not against the act itself but the stigma surrounding it and she’s too embarrassed to admit that she like it or wants to try it. You can help her by being more open about sex so she knows you’re not going to judge her and that you have fantasies just like she does.You can put her at ease by doing something that she wants before trying anal sex so she can see just how fun sex can be and how supportive you are with letting her explore her sexuality.

6) They want to stick with what they like

Everyone has certain things they like in the bedroom and couples fall into a routine sex life because it feels safe and satisfying. She might not like anal sex because it’s different and she doesn’t like change so she sticks to what she knows she likes. The issue isn’t the act itself, it’s more about her personality type. She knows what makes her happy and doesn’t see why she should try something new. She might be more willing to be adventurous if you explain that you want to try exploring sexual boundaries as a way to bring you closer and add excitement to your sex life. Having it be an activity that helps your relationship will help her see it in a different way.

7) They’re not comfortable with themselves

Not Comfortable
If she has body issues then won’t like anal sex because it’s a very intimate sex act that puts your attention on certain areas that she’s ashamed of. You can’t rush into things with her because it’s not going to make her feel more confident or sexy. What you need to do is wait, stick to doing sexual things that she’s comfortable with and build up her confidence. Show her how attractive you find her by giving her compliments and making her feel like the sexiest woman alive in the bedroom.

8) They had a bad experience

Bad Experience
Having a bad experience makes people think that it’s always like that and they rarely want to try a second time. She might think she hates anal sex because she tried it once and it didn’t go well so she doesn’t want to try again. It will be hard to change her mind so be supportive and find out what was bad about the experience so you know what to avoid doing. This will also show her that you’re understanding of her feelings and will give you an opportunity to talk about what you can do to make the next experience enjoyable.

9) They have the wrong idea about it

They might not like it because they have the wrong idea about it and don’t realize that it’s not what they’re expecting. They might think it’s dirty or don’t know how to prepare themselves for that type of sex. Ask her what she thinks it will be like so she feels like you’re making an effort to be understanding then gently explain any misconceptions she has.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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