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7 sure signs she is just using you

Friends with benefits Wasting your time with a woman who is just using you is something that no man wants to do. It’s okay when it’s a friends with benefits that you both agree on or if it’s an infidelity fueled hook up but when it’s her playing with your emotions then you need to think about ending things with her.

1) Only interested in friends with benefits

She’ll drop hints about taking it more seriously but deep down you know she doesn’t mean it. This is her playing with your emotions and stringing you along because she likes you but not enough to make a commitment.

2) It’s all about her

A relationship has equality between two people and women tend to be more aware of this then men are. This is why they like to talk to their partner; to make a deeper connection and to show them that they care. If she only talks about herself and makes it all about her then it’s because she doesn’t care about you. You’re just there to keep her company.

3) She always wants to go out

A woman can use you emotionally but also financially. If she’s the type of person who always wants to go somewhere nice for dates and never offers to pay her way then she’s just using you for a good time. She’s trying to see how much money, items or experiences she can get from you and it’s like a game to her. She’ll never be happy with staying home and watching a movie because you’re not spending money on her.

4) She never does anything for you

You might notice that you’re the one who’s always doing something for your girlfriend but she never does anything for you. This could be things like driving you somewhere, picking up a couple of groceries or going to an important event like a friend’s party. You shouldn’t be focusing all your attention on her while she’s ignoring you so think about just what she does for you and why she’s important to you.

5) She disappears when things go wrong for you

In a healthy relationship you support your partner when they’re going through a rough time. If she’s only there when things are good and disappears when something goes wrong then she doesn’t really care about you. If she did care then she’d be there to support you and help you deal with the situation instead of leaving you by yourself.

6) She’s interested in your successful friends

Everyone has a friend who either has a better job or is overall more successful in life. If you’ve introduced her to your friends and she seems to want to hang out with the successful one while ignoring the others then she might be using you to make connections with people who can give her what she wants.

7) She gives you short notice

When a woman give you short notice when she’s interested in getting together then it can mean one of two things: there’s infidelity and she has another man that she’s spending time with or she’s bored and figures you’re better than nothing. A woman likes being with her boyfriend and will make plans in advance so she has something to look forward to which shows she’s serious about you. A woman who’s just using you with randomly get in touch and expect you to be there for her.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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