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12 Ways to stop being nervous around women

Being nervous around women
Being nervous around women is something that happens to a lot of men but you can deal with this problem. By learning how to talk to girls, having some good pick up lines ready and a few other helpful tips can make you confident with women.

1) See them as just another person

Being nervous around someone can happen when you focus on making a good first impression and wanting everything to go the way you imagine it will. The best thing you can do is to keep telling yourself that they’re just another person and aren’t anyone special. This will stop you from getting caught up in worrying about meeting their expectations and can be yourself around them.

2) Have pick up lines ready

Having pick up lines ready before you approach a woman can help settle your nerves because you feel more prepared. You should use pick up lines that are casual because you don’t want to come on too strong and honesty is always good so you can start by saying something like “I saw you and knew I’d regret not talking to you.”

3) Work on feeling better about yourself

Having self-confidence can help you stop being nervous around women because you know you’re a great person and don’t take things too personally when they don’t go as planned. You should stop blaming yourself when you get rejected because it may have had nothing to do with you and think about all of your good qualities, like being kind or upbeat. You’ll start believing you’re a great person if you keep reminding yourself of all the wonderful things you have to offer someone.

4) Go on fake dates

How to talk to girls
Going on fake dates can make you feel more prepared for the real thing and you can do this with women you’re close to, like a sister or friend. Tell them that you want to change your approach to women and do a roleplay with them so you can see what triggers your nervousness. You can also get feedback from them so you know how they like men to act and incorporate that into what you do.

5) Don’t stress about rejection

You need to start seeing rejection as something that happens to everybody and it’s not the end of the world. There are lots of other women out there and you might be successful next time. Don’t take it personally and remember that there have been times when you weren’t interested in someone so it’s only fair that some people aren’t interested in you.

6) Take things step by step

Don’t get overwhelmed by the picture and sabotaging yourself by planning too far ahead. Instead of thinking about being around women and how to act around them or even asking them out on a date, you should take things step by step. Tell yourself that you’re just going to check out the room and once you’ve done that pick out one or two women you like then start thinking about approaching them.

7) Seek out women you have something in common with

Seeking out women you have something in common with can help you a lot because it gives you an idea of what to expect. Try to spend time with women who have the same hobbies as you or who are interested in the same tv shows as you. This will give you something to talk about and the familiarity of the subject will help you feel more in control.

8) Hide being nervous

Hide Being Nervious
“Fake it until you make it.” is a well known saying because it’s true and this is what you need to do with your nervousness. Hide it and pretend you’re calm and confident. It will feel awkward and scary at first but eventually you’ll see that it’s easier to be this way than you first thought. You’ll be more successful with women with this attitude and the more you do it the more it’ll come naturally to you.

9) Spend more time with women

Spending more time with women can help you learn how to talk to girls and show you that there’s nothing to be cared of. You can start by interacting with women you’re around every day, like co-workers or female friends, to get used to it then move on to being around women you’re interested in dating by hanging out at bars. Talk to the women you meet there, even if you’re not interested in hooking up with them because this will give you experience with talking to women.

10) Get advice from a woman you trust

Getting advice from a woman that you trust, like an ex-girlfriend you’re still on good terms with, can help with being nervous because they can give you support. They know you and aren’t going to judge you so be honest about how you feel and what makes you so nervous round women. Just talking about your fears may be enough to ease them and your friend may have ideas on relaxation techniques that can help you relax or offer a woman’s perspective on men approaching them that can help you see that it’s not such a big deal.

11) Focus on their personality

One of the main reasons why men feel nervous around women is that they think she’s out of his league and think a beautiful woman like her won’t be interested in them. This will get your nerves going and you’re going to be so worked up that it ends up being a disaster. You need to stop focusing on her looks and instead focus on her personality because this will make her seem more relatable and like an equal. It’s easier to be around a woman that you see as being nice and approachable instead of seeing her as a sex object you think you don’t have a chance with.

12) Treat them like you know them

Smile and be friendly
Treating someone like you know them is something you can do with all people, not just women, because it can calm your nervousness. Before you approach them take a second to tell yourself that it’s no different than being around a friend and imagine yourself talking to them to get in the right frame of mind. When you feel ready go up to them with a smile and act friendly so they’re not uncomfortable around you. Try to stay in this mood and let the conversation happen naturally because this will stop any further stress being added.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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