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11 Ways to spot a gold digger woman

Millennials Gold DiggerMillennials have a reputation for wanting the nicer things in life and wanting it right away so younger women are seen as potential gold diggers by men but gold diggers can be any type of woman. This is why you need to know how to spot a gold digger because you want a woman who’s happy with thoughtful gifts like a flower bouquet instead of something expensive like a personalised gift.

Gold Digger doing Shopping

1) She loves shopping

Most women love to shop but it can become an addiction and some women shop because they get a rush from buying themselves something nice. If shopping is her main hobby and she has trouble paying her bills then it’s just a matter of time before she starts asking you for financial help. Ask her about her hobbies and see if she has any inexpensive ones or if she only cares about spending money. Don’t let her talk you into going shopping with her or paying for something if it’s early in the relationship because she shouldn’t be relying on you like that so soon.

2) She complains about never having enough money

Lots of people, especially millennials, find it tough to get a full-time job that pays well and this leads to them living paycheck to paycheck. If she complains about never having enough money then it means she has a financial problem and may see you as a way to fix it. You should only date women who have their spending under control and if she asks you for money then be firm and tell her that you’re sticking to a budget and can’t afford it.

She is materialistic

3) She’s materialistic

If she values possessions over experiences than she’s going to need a way to pay for them and once you become a couple she’s going to expect you to contribute because you’re her partner. Take her to affordable places for the first few dates to see how she reacts and don’t wear clothes that are noticeably expensive because she’ll notice that and expect you to have money in the bank. If she drops hints about going somewhere more expensive then she cares more about that than getting to know you better and is making it clear that you need to step your game up.

She always deservers the best

4) She acts like she deserves the best

You want to avoid women who act like they deserve the best because they’re high maintenance gold diggers. If she wants a personalised gift or dinners at expensive restaurants all the time then you’re the one who’s going to be paying for it because she won’t want to spend her own money on these things. She’ll show her entitlement by always ordering for the most expensive meal and by complaining that nothing is ever good enough for her.

5) She has the latest technology

The items she owns can tell you a lot about her priorities because if she owns expensive things like the latest smartphone or wearable technology then these status symbols are important to her. She cares about the latest trends and wants to show off but this is an expensive personality trait. Look at what she owns and see if she’s satisfied with using an older model of phone or other technology or if she’s always trying to own the best there is.

6) All of her clothes are high end

High end clothes are expensive, even if she buys them second hand so pay attention to how she dresses, how often she goes shopping and whether or not she brags about the designer of her clothes. Women know men don’t care about fashion so if she’s telling you about her new designer dress then it’s because she wants you to know she cares about labels and that she expects high quality when you buy her something.

7) She brags about being spoiled by her parents

Ask her about her parents and listen to what she says. If she talks about how great they are and funny things they do then it’s okay but if she mentions the nice house they live in or the things they’ve bought for her then she might be a gold digger. Being spoiled will make her expect a certain lifestyle and you’re the one who will be funding it.

8) She asks questions involving money

Pay attention to the questions she asks you at the beginning of the relationship because a gold digger will want to know if you’re wealthy enough to date her. She’ll want to know how good your job is, the kind of car you drive, the neighbourhood you live in and other money related things like if you’re paying alimony or child support. She’ll act disinterested or want to keep things casual if she thinks you’re don’t have enough money.

Expensive Restaurant

9) Offer to take her to an expensive restaurant

If you’re not sure about her then you can test how she views you and money by offering to take her to an expensive restaurant. If she says you shouldn’t be spending that kind of money on her or suggests going somewhere cheaper than she’s not a gold digger. If she’s excited but doesn’t thank you or says she hopes you’ll take her there more often than she’s using you.

10) She compares you financially to her ex

gold diggers date men for their money and dump them when they stop giving her as much then finds another guy to take advantage of. If she’s always telling you that her ex took her nicer places, had a better job or lived in a bigger house then you’re not up to her standards. She wants a man who can afford the finer things in life and will try to make you feel bad by comparing her to her ex so that you spoil her.

She never spends money

11) She never offers to pay for herself

For the first couple of dates it’s traditional for the man to pay for everything but after a certain point the woman starts offering to pay for herself. It can be awkward asking her to pay so give it three or four dates to see if she takes the initiative. If she doesn’t then start doing things like paying first at the cinema then stepping aside for her to pay or asking for separate bills at the restaurant. If she expects you to pay for everything then you’ll quickly find out because she’ll complain or move on to a guy who will give her what she wants.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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