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10 Worst things to say to an aussie woman after sex

What to say after sexIf you don’t want to find yourself suddenly single then you should avoid saying these things to a woman after a night of hot sexing.

1) That was good.

Sex is supposed to be hot and fun so saying it was good will make her feel like it was only okay. Instead you should stick to more positive words like ‘amazing’ or ‘great’ so that she knows you enjoyed it or let your actions say it by cuddling afterwards.

2) You’re on the pill, right?

This will kill the mood and there won’t be another date. Birth control is something both people should think about before sex and it’s your fault too for not saying anything earlier. If you’re worried about it then wait until a more appropriate moment and casually say “We didn’t use anything but we don’t need to worry, right?” so it doesn’t sound like it’s all her fault.

3) I gotta go soon.

It doesn’t matter why you need to leave because she’s going to be upset regardless. She won’t like you rushing things and will feel like you just used her for sex which is a bad way to end a good night. Make her feel good by spending as much time as you can with her then say you should probably head home soon.

4) Can we make sure my girlfriend doesn’t find out ?

The last thing your hook up wants to think about is your girlfriend so don’t mention her. You might be worried about her not keeping things private but you should remind her before you leave instead of right after sex so she feels like you’re still focused on her.

5) I love you.

This phrase is special and should be said during a romantic moment so it’s meaningful. Saying it after sex cheapens it because it feels like you’re only saying it because you’re in a good mood and figure this is something she wants to hear.

6) When can we hook up again?

It makes you seem desperate and sex crazy which isn’t attractive. Wait until some time has passed, preferably at least a day, before asking this.

7) Did you like that?

Never ask how sex was because it makes her analyze it and make it seem more serious than fun. You also might not like the answer because you might not be as good as you think you are. Just assume that she enjoyed it as much as you did and hope she doesn’t say anything different.

8) Did you finish?

Women take longer than men to cum and some never do. Asking if she came will make her feel uncomfortable and if she didn’t she’s going to feel like there’s something wrong with her. Be an attentive lover and try to make her cum but don’t make it a goal because that takes the spontaneity out of it.

9) You were really good at that.

If she gives you a great blow job don’t tell her she was great at it. This makes her sound like she’s experienced and to women this translates to being a slut. Instead tell her how it made you feel and that you loved it.

10) Are you going to stay the night?

This sounds like you’re trying to get rid of her without coming right out and telling her to leave. It’s better to say nothing and let things happen naturally otherwise you’re going to hurt her feelings and you’ll end up single because she won’t want to see you again.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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