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Why you shouldn’t drink too much when having sex

drink when hooking up When you’re hooking up with someone you’ve just met you might be tempted to drink in order to get rid of your nervousness and to make things feel more relaxed. You should try and avoid doing this because even though it does help loosen you up it can also have some negative consequences when it comes to having sex.

Alcohol can have one embarrassing side effect for men and that’s erectile dysfunction. Alcohol causes dehydration which slows down your heart rate. This leads to problems with your blood flow which means you’ll have trouble getting and keeping an erection. When you’re having sex the last thing you want to happen is having difficulty getting things started because she’s going to think you’re not man enough for her and you won’t get a second date. You’ll have to start your search for a sexy woman all over again.

Drinking can also lead to you doing something that you wouldn’t normally do when sober. This could be something dangerous or embarrassing. Alcohol stops you from thinking clearly and you might not remember to use a condom and even if she says she’s clean you don’t know for sure. Not only could you catch an STD but you could also get her pregnant which means you’re going to have to deal with her for the next 18 years instead of just having a one night stand. Not only could this happen but you could end up not realizing she’s changed her mind about having sex with you. This could get you in trouble as well so both of you need to stay sober so the right decisions are made.

When you drink too much you lose the ability to fully experience the moment and this can make sex feel less exciting and fulfilling. It will end up feeling like a wasted experience and the next day you’ll want to go out and get what you’re missing. This isn’t the way sex should be; it should be fun and exciting. If you stay sober then you’ll able to full appreciate every touch and your orgasm will be stronger because your senses won’t be dulled by alcohol. If you drink excessively then you might not remember anything at all.

Alcohol can make you feel drowsy and this could lead to you falling asleep after sex. This could upset your partner because some women like to cuddle after sex and she’ll feel like you just used her to satisfy your own needs. Falling asleep after sex could also be awkward if you’re at her place and she wants you to leave before her husband or roommate comes home. Try not to drink too much so that when sex is done you can end things in a natural way that makes her feel like she’ll want to see you again.

If you drink too much during sex you could suffer from erectile dysfunction which is embarrassing for both of you or you could end up making some bad decisions such as having unprotected sex. Alcohol can also lead you to not fully enjoying the experience and feeling unsatisfied. By avoiding alcohol you’re increasing your chances of having a hot night of sex that you can remember the next day.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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