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11 Ways couples can survive cheating and why to try

How to Survie Cheating A lot of couples have to deal with cheating and break up because it’s easier than trying to fix the relationship. It is possible to survive cheating but it takes time and work; you need to accept responsibility for what happened, stop using hookup apps like Adultfriendfinder App and find a way to move forward.

1) Make an honest effort to fix things

When you’re trying to fix things both of you need to make an honest effort and really try to deal with the situation and move forward. It’s not going to happen quickly and it might take more than one try before you feel like progress is being made. You need to talk about what’s working and what isn’t as well as trying different solutions so you can find what works best for both of you. If you don’t do this then your relationship will end because the cheating will always be a major issue that stops you from letting yourself truly love each other again.

2) Accept responsibility for cheating

The person who cheated needs to accept responsibility for what they did and the damage it did to their relationship. You need to be honest about how long it went on for and that you know it was a mistake otherwise your partner is going to feel resentment and sadness that you’re still hiding things. Once you’ve accepted responsibility your partner can accept that you’re being mature about the situation and are ready to face the consequences.

3) Figure out how things got to that point

Nobody in a happy marriage cheats because their partner provides what they need and they can overlook the small issues since they want to make the relationship a success. Something made you feel unsatisfied and think that somebody else could make you happy and you need to know what lead you to feel this way. Knowing the answer to this can help you avoid making the same mistake twice and when something does go wrong again you’ll know that you need to deal with it in a different way.

4) Break off contact completely

You need to make sure that you’re not tempted to get back together with the person you had an affair with or finding someone new. This means deleting their contact information and blocking them so they can’t send you messages. You also need to delete your profile from hookup apps like Victoria Milan App Review so you’re less likely to use them and tell your partner that you’re doing this so they know that you’re taking this seriously.

5) Re-commit to the relationship

Both of you need to re-commit to the relationship so that it has a chance of succeeding. This involves promising to be monogamous, making a real effort to forgive and move on and find love with each other again. You need to spend time with each other, go on dates and get used to being a couple again. It will feel awkward at first but over time it will start to feel natural and the pain from cheating won’t be as dominant in your relationship.

6) Understand that forgiveness takes time

It will take time for your partner to forgive you and you need to give them as much time as they need. You can’t expect them to forgive you just because you apologized and are working on your relationship because they need to see that you are making a genuine effort. If you let them experience all the emotions they’re dealing with then they’re going to feel like you realize how badly you hurt them and are respectful of their feelings.

Couples Counseling

7) Try couples counseling

It’s a good idea to go to couples counseling because this will give you a calm place to openly discuss your feelings and come up with ways to deal with what happened. You’ll be able to see each other’s point of view and help you realize just how badly this has affected each of you. This can be a healthier approach to take and lead to less fighting which can make it easier to fix the relationship.

8) Remember why you got together in the first place

Take time to ignore the cheating and focus on why you got together in the first place. By remembering what attracted you to each other and the good times in your relationship it’s going to bring back positive emotions and feelings. You’ll want things to be like that again and this can help motivate you to deal with your problems and find a way to move forward. If you re-start your relationship by going on dates and getting used to being a couple again then it will feel like a fresh start.

9) Find ways to nurture your relationship

You need to find ways to nurture your relationship so that the negative feelings from cheating lessen and you can successfully move on. You can do this by having honest conversations about how you feel, let each other know when you feel like things are moving too fast, go on dates and find hobbies that you can do as a couple. You want to get back to being a happy couple who can rely on each other and you need to work on being together in a healthy way for that to happen.

10) Talk openly about what happened

You need to have multiple conversations about what happened because it will be too difficult to do all at once. Both of you need to be honest and start from when your relationship first had issues then talk about the affair and how it ended. Your partner will want to know things like how long it went on for, why did you want them and what they did wrong and you need to answer their questions. If you tell them everything they want to know then they can start to understand what happened instead of imagining and wondering the truth.

11) Once forgiven leave cheating in the past

Once your relationship is starting to get back on the right track you need to leave the cheating in the past. Don’t bring it up during fights because it will cause all the old feelings to come back and make it harder to forget what happened. When forgiveness has happened it means that you’re ready to let it go but it doesn’t mean you have to forget. Keep the memories to yourself unless it’s causing your current problems so that it doesn’t become an endless cycle of moving on then arguing about things that have already been dealt with.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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