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11 Essential questions to ask a girl on a dating app before meeting her in real life

 woman=When you’re using a dating app the goal is to meet in real life and either have a sexy hookup or a more serious relationship. The problem with using dating sites is that anyone can use them so you need to take the time to get to know them before agreeing to meet them because you don’t want to waste your time pursuing someone who isn’t looking for the same thing you are. This is why it’s important to ask certain questions early on so you can get an idea of what they’re like and if they’re right for you.

1) Is online dating just an escape for you?

Some people like to use a dating app as a way to kill time and talk to people they have no intention of ever meeting in real life. Its an escape from their daily life but they won’t mention this unless you ask them first. Be upfront and tell them that you’re serious about meeting in person and they need to tell you now if they’re only looking for an online friend. Doing this lets you save time and only talk to potential partners that you can make an effort with.

2) Are you serious about finding a new partner?

It’s not just single people that use a dating app for fun, married people use them too and that may be a problem for you. If they’re already in a relationship they might just want a quick hookup or an online romance. You need to make sure they’re serious about wanting a new partner and not an additional partner otherwise it can be difficult for them to meet you.

3) What do you like to do on a Friday night?

There are lots of different kinds of people on the dating app and they all want different things for a first date so ask them what they like to do on a Friday night. Pay attention to what they say because you can use these activities to plan a date with them and you’re more likely to be successful with them because you now you’re giving them something they like.

4) Are you adventurous or a homebody?

Ask if they’re adventurous, a homebody or an academic type. If they’re shy or an introvert it might take them longer to go from talking on dating sites to meeting in person and if they’re adventurous they’ll probably find it exciting to meet a stranger and will rush into it.

5) What about my profile grabbed your attention?

The girl you’re talking to on the dating app is interested in you for a reason so find out what it is. Knowing why she’s attracted to you can help you highlight other parts of your personality or life that will grab her attention and give you more things to talk about. If she’s vague with her answer then it may mean she didn’t really read your profile and is talking to any guy that gives her attention on dating sites.

6) How successful have you been on dating sites?

Some people use a dating app occasionally because they want to find someone they can have a serious relationship with but others use it all the time to meet lots of people and it never lasts long. You want to meet a girl who is on the same page as you so ask how successful they’ve been with online dating to see how they treat it. This helps you be confident about her actually meeting you and you’ll know if she sees you as a one-time thing or as a potential partner.

7) What are your favourite movies?

When you meet a girl on a dating app you need to read her profile and find information that you can use to have a conversation with her. Ask her what her favourite movies are and share yours, this helps you find something in common and you can ask what movies she’s looking forward to seeing. You can offer to take her to see it on your first date.

8) What hobbies do you do in your spare time?

Sharing hobbiesYour hobbies can be a good way to bond over a dating app because it gives you something to talk about, it shows your passion, you can find out what her hobbies are and it can be turned into a date idea. She’s going to want to meet you if you show a genuine interest in something that she loves to do. You can also use this as an opportunity on your first date to introduce her to one of your hobbies if she’s not familiar with it.

9) What do you do for a living?

Going to work is a big part of most people’s lives and when you’re talking to a girl on a dating app you need to find out about her career. She may be unemployed and using online dating as just a way to pass the time or she may be looking for someone who can bring some excitement back into her life. If she has a job that keeps her busy with long hours or traveling for business then it may be awhile before the two of you can meet.

10) What plans do you have for the future?

There’s lots of different relationship categories on dating sites because some people want a hookup, some want online love, some just want friendship, some want friends with benefits and others want a serious relationship. You don’t want to meet a girl on a dating app, invest a lot of time talking to her and becoming emotionally involved just to meet and find out that neither of you want the same kind of relationship. Ask about her plans for the future and see if they’re similar to your plans.

11) Do you believe in kissing on the first date?

Sex is an expected topic on dating sites but you don’t want to offend her by asking outright about sleeping with her. You can ease into the subject by asking if she believes in kissing on the first date. This lets you know how sexually outgoing she is and it can lead to further sex talk. You’re going to get an idea of her boundaries and this stops you from going too far on the first date.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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