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7 Steps to survive a bad date

Spend time with funny people after a bad date There are different ways to survive a bad date, you could surround yourself with funny people to lift your mood or use Australian dating sites like Victoria Milan to find a hot hookup. All you have to do is find what works for you and it’ll be easy to forget it ever happened.

1) Try again

If you’re in the middle of a date and realize it’s going badly you could try and start again. Tell them that you know things aren’t going as smoothly as they could and you really like them so let’s start over. They’ll like your honesty and are more likely to make an effort if they know you’re doing the same. You could also try going out with them again in a week or two to see if that makes a difference because the issue might have been nerves.

2) Laugh about it

Things aren’t always going to go right so laugh about it and see it as a funny moment in your life. Don’t think about it happening again and see if you can turn it into a funny story to tell people. Tell your friends about it and see how they react because they could help you see that’s it’s not as bad as you thought it was.

3) Turn to funny people

You need to do something that will take you out of a negative frame of mind and give you something new to focus on.

4) Understand your role

A date involves two people so you need to understand what role you played in the date going wrong. Maybe they weren’t what you were expecting so you didn’t make an effort or maybe you were nervous and did something silly. Take an honest look at things so you know what mistakes to avoid next time.

5) Take a break

If the date went really bad then it might be a good idea to take a break from dating. Don’t put pressure on yourself to be in a relationship and enjoy being single for awhile. You can start dating again whenever you want so don’t rush things and wait for the right person to come along.

6) Go out with friends

You can forget all about it by going out for a fun night with friends. Go out and let loose because it’s all about not caring what’s going in your personal life. This could also be a way for you to meet new people or to see that there are more important things in life, like good friends, than a date you won’t remember a year from now.

7) Use Australian dating sites

You can use Australian dating sites like AdultFriendFinder to find someone new, either to date or to just have a hookup. You might get nervous about dating again because you don’t want another bad night but it could help if you tried again quickly. You’ll be able to see that there are lots of single people out there and dating can be fun if you keep an open mind.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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